When the well head is damaged it is common to find Total Coliform Bacteria and/or E-Coli Bacteria present in the water. In this case, the well had to be sanitized (chlorinated) to allow the mortgage to be go through. Repairing the well head is also needed to prevent the cause of the bacteria from returning…. in this case it was several spiders nesting under theĀ gray well cap.
Category: Uncategorized
A water well is defined as:
An excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring, or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers. The well water is drawn by a pump, or using containers, such as buckets, that are raised mechanically or by hand.
Water wells are extremely important to all societies. In many places wells provide a reliable and ample supply of water for home uses, irrigation, and industries. Where surface water is scarce, such as in deserts, people couldn’t survive and thrive without groundwater. Though wells were originally hand dug using a shovel and bucket, most areas have went with the cleaner, faster, and less dangerous Driven or Drilled well.
When first installed well drillers will chlorinate or sanitize the well to insure that any harmful bacteria, such as total Coliforms and/or E-Coli, are removed leaving the water safer to drink. After that most people do not give the well a second thought until they have an issue with the well requiring a plumber or well driller to replace parts or they are trying to sell the home and a lender requests a water quality test.
When quality testing is requested several items are looked at, the condition of the components (well head / casing, the pump if accessible, the pressure tank and distribution system), as well as the quality of the water which requires lab testing. When testing reveals quality issues, in most cases, they can be corrected by sanitizing (chlorinating) the water supply by the inspection company (if it is offered), a plumber, or well driller or in some cases installation of a filtering system. When damaged components are found, repair is also required.
Testing your well semi-annually helps address possible concerns before they become expensive repairs.
I would guess this does not cool the house well!
This was condition of a condensing unit next door to the house getting inspected. Most likely caused by a dog using it as his own personal urinal.
During a recent inspection a large Carpenter Ant Gallery was discovered under a bedroom window. Further inspection revealed a past roof leak directly above the window which was the most likely source of the moisture which drew the ants.